Hi everyone.
My question is about how do I go about it to not get my kids vaccinated but they can still go to school? We are from South Africa where the school do not ask for any vaccine charts. So far we have had the kids vaxed but our youngest has ASD and our journey with him and detoxing and wholefoods has made us not want to vacinate them anymore.
Any advice will be appreciated thank you.
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The No Jab, No play policy is only in place for kindy's/daycares. If you don't fully vaccinate your child you don't get the child care subsidy and have to pay the full rate. in Qld most centres just ask you to sign a form saying you don't vaccinate and ask you to take your child out of the programme if there is exposure to a illness that there is a vaccine for. The no jab, no play policy doesn't extend to schools. If you are going to state school you just print out their immunisation record that doesn't include anything/some. If you are going to private that would be a chat with a principal but I don't see why they would exclude? Something that helped me is that currently the Privacy act in Australia protects our medical information. No one has the right to question that information other than a doctor that you give permission to. As a new mum coming into the system I was so scared everyone was going to ask me why I didn't vaccinate for Hep B.
We currently homeschool our 2 (3rd is only 3) but if I had to swap with my husband (me work, him be at home) we might need to send them to school, and would prefer a Christian School. But I'm not going to vx my youngest two (eldest is 'up to date' but won't be getting any more) to send them. It does leave an uncomfortable feeling in my gut. I am not sure if we'll do high school homeschooling and vx requirements are my main concern there.
Thanks Mary. We are in Perth and they are in a private school so I guess I'll have to chat with the principal about it. I do homeschool our youngest so if it comes to that I will also take the other two out of school and keep them home.
Hey Madelein , we stopped vaccinating by our third, and when asked for vaccine info, we just declined to provide it. I’m in QLD, and we picked Kindy based on conversations with them about whether they accepted non-vaxxed kids. Public Schools can ask for a vaccine record but cannot deny access because of non-vaxxed status.
If they ever do, I will homeschool, without a second thought.