I've taken the plunge and have started posting on the Telegram App. We're about a year in to all the social media purges of 2020, where heaps of really interesting and intelligent writers and posters were dumped by the social media companies. I tried a few other apps, like GAB, Parler and Telegram, but found Telegram to be the most useful.
As the rhetoric is really heating up, the stories from friends in NSW and VIC are getting scarier. I watched a mum get a police visit, and the policeman was holding up printed out copies of the Stories she had posted on instagram. The state was paying this cop's wages to come and knock on a mum's door because they had decided that what she chose to post was 'misinformation'.
But while that fascist behaviour was scary to witness, because of where this has led historically, I will not fear because I know where my hope lies, and whom the the Son sets free, he is FREE INDEED. The world is frothing, and the media and government will repeat over and over that they are the purveyors of freedom, until most people believe the lie, but I know who gives me my freedom: ONLY GOD has that power. And it was His gift to each of us. I also believe wholeheartedly that once God has revealed the lie, we can no longer come into agreement with it.
If you would like to follow along on Telegram, you can find me here: https://t.me/goodmoodfoodchat
Keep safe lovelies!